Careers start here.

Take the First Step to College

Careers Education, Information, Advice & Guidance (CEIAG)

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At Harlow College we recognise we have a responsibility to provide careers education to our students, offering them access to impartial careers information, advice and guidance.

Our STAR Agency is a one stop shop for careers information, advice and guidance. Managed by a dedicated Careers Leader the STAR Agency is run by a range of qualified staff able to provide support throughout the Student Journey, from admissions, to work placements, through to moving on into HE, Careers or Apprenticeships. It is located in the reception area, easily accessible to students and is open during College hours. Students are able to book appointments to discuss their careers options or drop-in for advice.

We have a programme of careers education that is coordinated by the Star Team. View the programme details
In addition our students have access to a wealth of career education and skills development as part of their curriculum, supported by employers and external agencies. These opportunities include:

  • Work Placements with employers
  • Live Briefs delivered by employers
  • Talks from visiting employers
  • Industry related trips
  • Volunteering opportunities
  • NCS (National Citizen Service)

All of these employment encounters are recorded by our students and contribute towards their individual target setting.  They are encouraged to assess their own work readiness at the start of their course then set and achieve targets that will support them to becoming employment ready.   
The College is committed to promoting the value of careers education within the college ethos in order to raise student attainment and successful progression to employment, further or higher education. The College aims to effectively support learners in their choices in order for them to achieve personal and economic wellbeing throughout their lives. This commitment has the full support of the Governors, the Principal and the Executive team. View our full Careers Quality Strategy

Our Service Standards

The STAR Agency team is committed to providing excellent service to all our stakeholders. We aim to achieve this through a set of standards which underpin the way we plan, deliver and evaluate the work we do.
View our Service Standards

We value your feedback on our IAG services. Please click HERE to leave a comment or ask a question.

You can find lots of useful careers information on our Padlet wall

Want to talk to someone about career choices and your next step?


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Get the Full Picture

At Harlow College we take learning seriously, providing a great range of courses to equip students with the skills needed to prepare for the workplace, an Apprenticeship or for further study at college or university. Our teaching staff have industry expertise, matched by industry-standard facilities, including specialist workshops, classrooms with the latest technology, as well as great social spaces to relax.

Our excellent employer links and work placements give our students first-hand experience of the world of work.

Our students make Harlow College a special place – there are great opportunities to get involved
in College life, whether you choose to become a Digital Ambassador, volunteer in the community or take part in the National Citizen Service.

We are graded Good by Ofsted and have won awards for our innovative approach to learning. In November 2017 the College was recognised as an Apple Distinguished School for its enterprising approach to transforming learning, teaching and assessment. Apple Distinguished Schools are centres of innovation, leadership, and educational excellence that use Apple products to inspire creativity, collaboration, and critical thinking. They showcase innovative uses of technology in learning, teaching, and the education environment and have documented results of academic accomplishment.

Be an Ambassador

  • Be an Ambassador

There’s so much more to student life...

Getting involved in college life outside the classroom can add so much more to your student experience. Both of these roles will teach you really useful skills and they look great on your CV!

"You know what, I gained so much skill and knowledge from being a Student Ambassador. Get involved with everything you can because it just enriches your experience here."
Abu, Class of 2014

Be the Voice Class reps are the voice of the college. You could represent the views of your fellow students and shape college decisions. Attend meeting with fellow reps and college staff and have your say.

Be an Ambassador Our Student Voice Ambassadors play a key role in enriching the student experience. As an ambassador you could be organising trips or running enrichment clubs as well as representing the college on student council and big events.