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About Finding an Employer

You MUST have an employer before you can start an apprenticeship. You can search for an apprenticeship job here.

If you don't yet have an employer you can still apply for an apprenticeship while you continue to look. We can offer you advice on how to successfully secure an apprenticeship with an employer.


The Motor Vehicle Maintenance and Repair Apprenticeship addresses a wide range of skills essential for working in the industry. General course core units (knowledge & skills and competence) include: health and safety in the motor industry, roles and responsibilities, workshop tools and equipment.
Technical units include: routine maintenance, engines, lubrication and cooling, fuel, ignition and air and exhaust, skills in engine units and components, electrical units, chassis systems, transmission system, inspecting using prescribed methods.

Am I ready to start?

  • Employment in a suitable role for the chosen apprenticeship is essential. Northern Skills Group will work with applicants to help find a suitable employer where possible but we advise anyone looking to undertake an apprenticeship to actively seek employment for themselves.
  • Applicants are required to have gained a Level 2 English and Maths
  • An interview will take place.
  • If you do not have a grade A to C in English and / or Maths (grade 7-4 for new GCSE measures) you will be required to continue studying these subjects.

How does an Apprenticeship Work?

An apprenticeship programme is delivered via a mixture of on and off the job training, whereby you can apply your skills in real work contexts.

The apprenticeship programme usually consists of the following elements:

Knowledge element
This is the technical certificate and covers the theory side of your work which is delivered when you attend College, so that you can put these newly acquired skills into practice at work.

Competence element
This is the practical side of the programme and is assessed directly within the workplace by a Harlow College Assessor to ensure that you are developing your skills within the workplace and putting all that you learn at College into practice
Functional skills: This area covers English, Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and Mathematics

Transferable skills
These are the skills that help you develop your Personal Learning and Thinking Skills (PLTS) and your rights as an employee within the workplace (ERR).

The duration of the course is 2 years at Level 2 (Intermediate) and a further 2 years at Level 3 (Advanced). You will attend College for 1 day a week and you be in the workplace for the remaining 4 days.

How and when will I study?

  • IMI NVq Level 3 in Vehicle Maintenance and Repair
  • Level 2 Functional Skills – Maths
  • Level 2 Functional Skills – English
  • Level 2 IT
  • ERR (Employment Rights & Responsibilities)
  • PLTS (Personal Learning and Thinking Skills)

Got a job?

You must have a job to do an apprenticeship. If you already have a job you may be able to do an apprenticeship with your current employer.

If you don’t have a job for your apprenticeship – apply for your place at College by clicking the 'Apply Now' button at the top and bottom of the page.

Once you have applied please check out our apprenticeship job vacancies.

An apprenticeship comprises two parts:

  • Typically 20% study element (at Harlow College or Stansted Airport College).
  • 80% work based element with an employer. It is your responsibility to find an employer.

Great, so what do I do now?

Call 01279 868240 to speak to an Apprenticeships adviser

Contact us about applying for an Apprenticeship