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College opens new town centre Salon

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Harlow College officially opened its new town centre Salon to the general public with a ribbon cutting ceremony performed by local MP Robert Halfon. The Salon is situated on East Gate in the former Citizens Advice Bureau building.

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Vocational learners set the bar for exam results

At this time of year the focus is traditionally on A Level and GCSE results, but thousands of vocational learners at Harlow College and Stansted Airport College have been achieving excellent results, despite having to study under incredibly challenging circumstances due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic and subsequent lockdowns.

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Students inspired to build for the future

Mobie Design Challenge

BTEC and T Level Construction students from Harlow College are gearing up to take part in an exciting design challenge that will see them develop proposals for a new village in the Royal Docks, bringing the national curriculum to life and inspiring a new generation to learn about the exciting career opportunities in the built environment sector.

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Black History Month

Patrick Vernon

As part of Black History Month, Patrick Vernon OBE gave a virtual talk to students and staff, discussing black British history, including the Windrush Scandal which raised issues of black British identity, and his recent book 100 Great Black Britons.

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Children’s Commissioner Visits Harlow College

Dame Rachel De Souza DBE, Children’s Commissioner for England, visited the College on Thursday 30th September, where she spoke to young people about some of the issues they have been facing since the pandemic began in early 2020.

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Dame Rachel De Souza, Children's Commissioner for England, speaking to college students

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A Level students shine through gloom of pandemic

Despite having to work under incredibly challenging circumstances due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic and subsequent lockdowns, our students have still recorded some fantastic results this year. A Level students have achieved a 99% pass rate for the fourth year in a row with an 11% increase in students gaining A*-B grades compared to both 2020 and 2019 exam years. The A*-B pass rate was 52% while the A*-C pass rate was 76%.

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